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Here is the place for you political rants, please join up and speak your mind against the leaders of our Planet.

In this day and age, politician's seem to be ignorant of the fact that they are worse than useless.

Its almost laughable at how much nonsense spews out in the so called house of commons.

Arguing over who's fault it is, was, but seem to forget that even the past governments were voted in.

This shambles of pretend politicians who's only real concern is who holds the power.

The current prime minister of the UK is David Cameron, with the leader of the liberal democrats Nick Clegg as his fluffer. These two pretend politician's show what is wrong with politics and in general what is wrong with the current house of commons. Oh yes of course there are others in opposite parties like Labour, UKIP, Respect party who as i have noticed couldn't give a horseburger about the common people. All you have to do is look at the leaders of these parties to notice all of them have their own agendas and all they want is to rule over the strong minded public that even when they use the democracy to not vote still end up being ruled by the very people they did not want to be ruled by. Politics has become the gateway to power for the rich elites of society. For as long as there is politics there will be corruption, its how the world works under the current powers that be.

Come on people, are we really this inept as to allow such a omnishambles of PRETEND politicians who's idea of politics is to take from the poor and give to rich. Yes this is what happens when these sort of people get into power. The common people are nothing but fodder like chess piece's that are only in the way of their progress to be the biggest ponce in politics. And don't forget this, The Queen sits on her throne allowing this government to rule, while the mass'es are duped into thinking that somehow the divinity of the monarch is the be all and end all. What a joke, The politicians praise the Queen, The Queen praises the politicians and so on and so forth. And of course the royal monarch doesn't need to be voted in. So the mere fact that most people say the UK is a free country have no clue to what the word free means. 

Politicians like to throw the word free around as if it only applies to them, like free from poverty, free from terror, free from religious persecution, (1) Any rich politicians that mention's Poverty, have no clue as to what poverty is. (2) Terror has been part of Britain's policy for centuries. So to even hear a politician using the word terror without firstly recognizing Britain's role in the world of terror are obviously hypocrites! & (3) Religious persecution is another reason the Queen sits on her fancy throne while the government complains about the right of people to wear religious symbols at the workplace, but yet, ( Am sure we all know the answer to this) will there ever be a Jewish, Muslim, Catholic or Hindu on the British throne? Religious persecution is the reason religions of the world become so powerful, it amazes me how most of the population of the planet believes in their man made holy moral books of god and can still be ignorant bigoted racist scum. So if you are thinking of becoming a politician, ( remember the people are there for you to serve not for them to serve you) and of course remember to always not speak until spoken to in front of royalty, they frown on that, so if you say this country is free then maybe a dictionary is in order for you.

By Political Planet.

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